I've got most of my Christmas decorations up for the season and I thought I would share. I'm still working on a couple of items to complete the trees and the mantle but the majority is complete.
Here's a few pictures.

This is right as you enter the living room from the entry way. I told my husband earlier today that I think this is my favorite area of Christmas decorations this year. This is the first year I've done it this way. I really like it. I need to smooth out the hanging. Its a little wrinkled from being in storage.

Here's our Nativity scene. I really like this one. I got it at Kirkland's last year. I have a couple but this is my favorite.

This is on one of my end tables. Just a few little trees.

This is a 4' tree I have in the dining/kitchen area. I want to get kitchen/food related ornaments to put on the kitchen tree but I'm waiting until the after Christmas sale at Hobby Lobby for new ornaments. These are the decorations I have used on the big tree for the past couple of years. It kind of candy cane theme in color. I have a ton of red decorations. This year we decided to change the big tree up a little .

This is one side of the mantle. Got everything from Hobby Lobby at 50%. I never pay full price at Hobby Lobby.

Stockings and stocking holders. Love them. I've used these for the past couple of years.

Full picture of the mantle. We have a skinny tree that I love just with the lights. I thought about putting ornaments on it but I really like it plain. This is the first year we've put it next to the fireplace. I really like it here. I'm working on a wreath to go above the mantle. It's not quite finished yet but it's going to pretty simple too. I really like things that are not too overdone.

And finally the big tree. I want a new one and will probably try to pick one up when they go on sale after Christmas. We went with blue and white this year. I really like how it turned out. I'm working on a ribbon topper for it. I don't like a ton of ornaments on the trees. I know some people will think its to bare but I like it.