This week has not been the greatest. I know that it could have been much worse and I'm thankful for what I do have. However, I am glad that it is finally Friday.
Things are not going as planned with the whole certification process. I missed a passing score on one of my tests by two points. I told my husband I would have rather failed miserably rather than miss it by two points. I was so disappointed with myself. My husband has been very supportive about the entire ordeal. He's so sweet. So since I can't retake the test and receive my scores before the deadline to apply, I am going to have to wait until next year to apply to the program. There are other options I could take, but this program is the best fit for me I think. Therefore, I'm applying for some classified positions with the school districts. Hopefully something will come through.
My computer died last night. I'm a Mac user and have had this computer for 6 years so I can't really complain too much about it. It's been a great computer and I'm going to miss it. My husband said we could look at replacing it but there is really no need. We have a family PC now as well. But I'm going to miss sitting on the couch, surfing the internet.
On the bright side, I'm going to a Naturals baseball game tonight with some friends I haven't seen in a while. I'm totally excited about it. It's a Faith and Family night at the ballpark and a local christian radio station is sponsoring the event. Francesca Battistelli will be performing before the game. It should be a ton of fun.
2 days ago