Kelly over at Kelly's Korner is hosting "Show Us Your Life- Weddings" today and since I loved everything about our wedding including the photos I thought I would share again.
This is my husband. We started dating while we were in college although we were close friends throughout high school. We tied the knot on July 14, 2007 and just celebrated our 2-year anniversary. It's been amazing. He is truly my best friend. I knew as soon as we started dating that I would marry him. And there have hasn't been any doubt about that since then.
I knew immediately who I wanted my bridesmaids to be. Here is a picture of our wedding party. Our colors were pink and green. The guys wore green vests and ties to match the girls. Daniel wore ivory to match me, of course.
These are my girls. I love the all so much and wish I got to see them more. They all live far away so we don't see each other very often. We were all college friends. My maid of honor was Alison. She was my college roommate for two years and also one of my sorority sisters. She's the one picutre in the front on the left. They are great friends and were wonderful bridesmaids.
This is one of my favorite photos. This is my flower girl. She was the daughter of one of Daniel's cousins. She is so sweet.
Here's the groomsmen. Daniel's brother was his best man and is picture on the far right.
Here's another photo of the guys looking very manly. What is it with guys that they can't stand too close to each other? Oh well.
This is another of my favorites. It makes me laugh everytime I look at it.
This is the ring bearer. He's my cousin's son. I was so happy that I got to include him in the ceremony.
This is Daniel and his brother, the best man.
Here's my dad walking me down the aisle. I had to keep telling him it was okay. He was pretty much teary eyed the whole time. He would probably kill me for say that but he'll never know. I'm totally a daddy's girl.
I walked down the aisle to "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Bach. The girls walked down the aisle to "Canon in D." We had a pianist play all the music. She was amazing. She's the same pianist who plays in the praise band at church with Daniel's dad.
I had to throw this picture in so I could tell the story. Our wedding went off with out any kind of hiccup. Well to the audience there were no problems. I'm glad I wasn't facing the camera while we lit the unity candle. As I was picking up the taper candle I dripped hot wax all over my hand. You can imagine the face I made. I almost said a word that shouldn't be said in church. When I saw the wedding photos I was so glad that the photographers had to stay at the back of the sanctuary, then I watched the DVD. The camera man was positioned perfectly to catch all the excitement of my little incident. I didn't see the camera anywhere near us and now wish that I had. If I had seen him maybe I wouldn't have made such an unpleasant face. Daniel laughed when he saw it. I don't blame him. It was funny.
We used bubbles for our send off. It was fun.
The ceremony lasted about 30 minutes. We had two ministers. One was from our church and the other was my college chaplain. I loved that she could be there to help with the ceremony.
Well I guess that's about it for the ceremony. Next Friday will be all about the reception.
18 hours ago
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